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Earth Day is a type of celebrated with great pomp throughout the world on 22nd April every year. This festival started in 1970 by a city center in America. Gradually, this festival was made by all countries. In the present Year World Earth Day 22nd April 2020 celebrated more than 193 countries. Environmental protection is the main reason for celebrating this festival. In today’s time the earth has become very corrupted. The environment is filled with many types of pollution. The main reason for this is man’s negligence.

According to earth day official website Theme for World Earth Day 2020 is “Climate Action”. Started from More challenge and bigger opportunities on climate change. This issue as the most pressing topic for the 50th anniversary.

Climate change is the biggest challenge to humanity’s future and life-support systems that make our world habitable.


Every event celebrated at the international level has a different theme of every year by which an effort is made to attract the attention of the people on that particular issue that year. Earth Day celebrated globally in a different theme of past year. Earth Day theme in the past years was as follows:-

SL. No.YearTheme
12010A global referendum on climate change
22011Clean the Air
32012Earth Forming
42013The Face of Climate Change
52014Green City
62015Now our turn to lead
72016Tree for Earth
82017Environmental and Climate Literacy
92018Ending of Plastic Pollution
102019Protect our Spices
112020Climate Action


Earth is the only planet which is best for living beings. The whole world is worried about this danger grow on this earth. Man’s competition for maximum pleasure, luxury and modern race has created a compulsion for the earth. We have created all such means which are dangerous for the whole earth. Let us know that threaten the earth:-

Global Warming

The climate on the Earth change due to global warming. Due to enhance of the temperature the Himalayas and other glaciers of the Earth continue to melt after that will merge into the sea. A study was conducted by the United Nations Environment Program on Himalayan glaciers. The study explicitly warned that due to global warming, 15,000 glaciers (9 glaciers) and 9,000 Himalayas (glacier lakes) of the Himalayan region would be depleted by half year 2050 and most of the year 2100. This issues confirmed by the Indian Space Research Organization.

Increasing Pollution

Increasing pollution in the country is becoming fatal for the earth. Pollution on the earth will not controlled a huge destruction become in environment. Unforeseen climate change is due to increasing pollution. The time is not far when the air will become poisonous and a person will have to pay the price for breathing and drinking water.

Population Growth

In the present time world population is about 7.8 billion till April 2020. With the increase in population, the Industrial Revolution has made the earth’s resources more efficient. Demand for resources is increasing even more in developing countries due to the rapid increase in population size.

Use Plastic

There are many reasons for damage our environment. In over that plastic is to pay a major contribution for this threat. At the starting of the day to night if you watch carefully and you find that plastic has used every moment. In many places plastic is being much used after government banned. The use of plastic is to increased so much plastic garbage. The side effect is that around the world every year that it makes four circles of the whole earth.

Destruction of Forests

In the research found that most of the forests comes at the end. Trees give us oxygen, filter and clean the water, purify the air and prevent soil erosion. Destruction of forests is severely destroying the Earth’s potential.

Nuclear Weapons and Terrorism

Informed people have been constantly warning that the involvement of terrorists in nuclear and chemical weapons will be the most dangerous for the world. The Taliban of Pakistan and Afghanistan are emerging as the biggest threat to the world.


  1. People should share private cars and use public transport to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
  2. People should follow 3R methods namely Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.
  3. We should periodically repair our personal vehicles and run better to reduce pollution.
  4. Do not waste water and use only as per our requirement. We should only wash dirty clothes in cold water. In this way, we can save several gallons of water per day.
  5. People should use bicycles to work in local areas.
  6. Plant more trees in our surrounding areas to reduce the effects of pollution and greenhouse gas.
  7. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in place of common bulbs. They have a longer duration and use very less one-third of the electricity.
  8. We do not use electric heaters and air conditioners unnecessarily.
  9. People should manufacture natural fertilizers, which are the best fertilizers for crops.
  10. We should turn off lights, wings and other electrical appliances to reduce the use of electricity.
  11. Plant more and more trees around you. If possible, give people gifts as plants and give them the advice to do the same.
  12. Do not disturb the natural habitat of animals like forest, sea shore, etc.

In order to provide a better environment to the younger generation there are many resources to handle and manage people to provide them with a better outlook. World Earth Day provide and create a clean and green environment to live in it.

It is important to provide people with accurate knowledge and preventive measures to reduce the use of resources by using only the necessary resources for the work required. People should reduce the use of plastic bags to reduce water pollution as well as soil pollution. To save the environment, people should plant new trees in their house or any place on the side of the road. People should waste their garbage which is nowadays available on the roadside or on any platform.

About the author

Dasharath Maurya

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